Monday, June 17, 2013

Africom Declaration and "Made in Congo" Sabrina Moella

In this edition of African Perspectives (May 26, 2013), we first speak with Aziz Fall, an organizer with the Group for Research and Initiative for the Liberation of Africa (GRILA) in Montreal.  He speaks about an international declaration that was released by an international coalition of organization and individuals condemning AFRICOM.  We then speak with Sabrina Moella regarding her new one-woman play called "Made in Congo".  We start, as always, with news briefs and headlines from the continent.

Listen to the show here

For the AFRICOM Go Home! declaration (in 6 languages), visit the GRILA website

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

African Liberation Day 2013

PanAfricanism and Today's Challenges: Obstacles and Ways Forward

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Organization for African Unity and African Liberation Day, GRILA-Toronto hosted a panel discussion at A Different Booklist. Panelists:
Prof. Pablo Idahosa: Resources and Land Grabbing on the African continent
Ameth Lo: AFRICOM, the New Wave of Militarization in Africa.

Listen to the panel presentation here

Visit GRILAs website to access the Declaration on AFRICOM in 6 language