Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Publications from Tanzania

December 26, 2010

In this edition of African Perspectives, we explore two new publications from Tanzania that explore an important part of the history of that country. We start this edition as we always do with headlines from the African continent.

Our first interview is with Karim Hirji, the editor of a book called Cheche: Reminiscences of a Radical Magazine. Cheche was a radical socialist student magazine at the University of Dares Salaam, first published in 1969. It featured incisive analyses of key societal issues by prominent progressives, it gained national and international recognition in a short while. Because it was independent of authority, and spoke without fear or favor, it was banned after just a year of existence.

Our second interview is with Annar Cassam, the co-editor of Africa's Liberation: The Legacy of Nyerere. The book is a collection of the words, works and legacy of the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, and is co-edited by Chambi Chachage. The book includes contributions from leading commentators, those who worked and fought imperialism alongside Nyerere, members of a younger generation – and Nyerere in his own words. Their writings reflect on Nyerere and liberation, the Commonwealth, leadership, economic development, land, human rights and education. Above all, they are a testament to the growing recognition of the need to rekindle the fires of African socialism to which Nyerere was deeply committed.

Part 1: Headlines from the African Continent for the week of December 26, 2010, listen here

Part 2: Interview with Karim Hirji, listen here

Part 3: Interview with Annar Cassam, listen here

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these excellent interviews, and thanks for the plug for Fahamu (, Pambazuka News ( and Pambazuka Press ( and Fahamu Books (

    Firoze Manji

    PS: It has been many years since I was last described as a 'young man'!!
